Google Terminates Employees Over Protests Against Israeli Government Contract

Google LLC (NASDAQ:GOOG) has dismissed 28 employees from its New York and Sunnyvale, California offices. These employees were actively protesting against the company’s controversial cloud-computing contract with the Israeli government. The dismissals were reported by the Wall Street Journal on Thursday, referencing an internal email from Chris Rackow, Google’s Vice President for Global Security.

In the email, Rackow emphasized the company’s stance on internal protests, stating, “If you’re one of the few who are tempted to think we’re going to overlook conduct that violates our policies, think again.” He described the protests as “unacceptable, extremely disruptive and made co-workers feel threatened.”

The firings come amid heightened tensions within the company over its $1.2 billion contract with what the protest organizers called “the genocidal Israeli government and military.” The organizers have criticized Google for prioritizing its business interests over the ethical concerns raised by its employees.

This incident has sparked a broader discussion about the balance between corporate contracts and employee activism, especially within major tech companies known for their influential roles in global politics and their impact on privacy and data security.

As the news unfolds, the reaction within the tech community and among human rights advocates continues to grow, raising questions about the implications for employee rights and corporate responsibilities.



