ADP: US private payrolls up by 184,000 in March

The number of jobs in the United States private sector saw a monthly increase of 184,000 in March, significantly more than analysts expected, Automatic Data Processing Inc. (ADP) revealed in its National Employment Report published on Wednesday.

Most new jobs – 87,000 – were registered in large enterprises, followed by mid-sized ones with between 50 and 249 employees at 63,000 and mid-sized ones with between 250 and 499 employees at 30,000. Among sectors, leisure and hospitalities added 63,000 new jobs, followed by construction at 33,000 and trade, transportation, and utilities at 29,000. Median change in annual pay grew by 5.1% for job-stayers and 10.0% for job-changers.

“March was surprising not just for the pay gains, but the sectors that recorded them. The three biggest increases for job-changers were in construction, financial services, and manufacturing. Inflation has been cooling, but our data shows pay is heating up in both goods and services,” ADP Chief Economist Nela Richardson said.




